Monday, 29 July 2019

Church Verger / Office Admin Job Reference: 606 Horncastle

Job Title:             Church Verger / Office Admin                                                     Job Reference: 606
Location:             Horncastle
Job Type:             Part-time 10 hours a week – for example:

                        Monday 10.00 – 12noon
                        Wednesday 9.00 – 12noon
                        Friday 10.00 – 12noon
                        Saturday 9.00 – 12noon

Salary:                  National Living Wage

Role:                            To provide hands-on care for St Mary’s Church, Horncastle.
To develop a strong communication system with worshippers of
St. Mary’s Church and the wider community.
To have oversight of all the housekeeping duties for St Mary’s Church.
To assist in the Church events and activities.
To co-ordinate with the Clergy and others to ensure the smooth running of the church diary.

Responsibility:            The post holder is responsible to the Rector, the Churchwardens and ultimately to the TCC (Town County Council) under the Group PCC (Parish County Council).

Key:                             Relationships: Clergy, SWP (South Wolds Partnership),  Administrator, Churchwardens

Hours of Work:           10 hours a week – for example:

                                    Monday 10.00 – 12noon
                                    Wednesday 9.00 – 12noon
                                    Friday 10.00 – 12noon
                                    Saturday 9.00 – 12noon

The Verger may be asked to perform other reasonable duties from time to time in the overall interests of efficiency.

                                    Together with Occasional Offices: Weddings and some Funerals

Reporting Lines:         In carrying out his/her duties and responsibilities, the Verger will be employed by the TCC but will be directly responsible to the Rector and in the Rector’s absence to the Churchwardens.

Main duties and responsibilities

·         To work proactively with the Clergy and the TCC to provide an uplifting sacred space for the people of Horncastle and the surrounding villages.
·         To provide a link between church members, parishioners and staff.
·         To establish and maintain links with outside organisations or agencies who may be involved with the daily life of St. Mary’s Church.
·         To assist in the co-ordination of volunteer workers within the church.
·         To manage the rota for Church Stewards during the summer months.
·         To be available to the schools and other organisations for Church Tours.
·         To proactively engage with the mission of the Church through tourism.
·         Manage the Kitchen area – in line with latest Food Hygiene Regulations  
·         Liaise with the Catering Team to ensure they feel supported and have adequate resources.
·         Liaise with the Church Cleaners and ensuring they have the tools for their jobs.
·         To provide the ‘Magazine’ with the service/event/register information that they require.
·         To contribute to the ‘pew notes’ given each week to the congregation of St Mary’s.
·         To provide cover in the Parish Office when the Administrator is absent.
·         To provide administrative back up services as and when required.
·         To work alongside the Administrator – to ensure that all cash is dealt with and banked by office staff, with regular checks from the Register of Services to amounts banked
·         Receive visitors and deal with their enquiries/problems appropriately.
·         To assist in the maintenance of the church diary.
·         Liaise with the Flower Arrangers.

Day to day running

·         Keep the church adequately heated.
·         Keep the church adequately lit.
·         Keep the church and churchyard tidy and safe.
·         Keep the church clean – especially the kitchen, toilet and porch areas.
·         Keep the sound system running correctly.
·         Ensure the notice boards are tidy and up to date.
·         Update the Diary Dates in St. Catherine’s Room.
·         Keep the inventory up to date in liaison with the Church Wardens.


If you feel you have the necessary skills and qualities to fill this post, please send your CV with covering letter stating why you are the right person to fill this position, to

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